Thursday, June 5, 2014

And so it begins...

Today is an auspicious day. 

It is a day that future generations will look back upon with awe and reverence as the dawning of a "New Age".  

For today I begin chronicling the execution of my brilliant (if I do say so myself) "Master Plan".

Now, what is the goal of my newly launched campaign you ask? To what ultimate ends do I ceaselessly devote every waking minute of every single day?

Quite simply, my Future Subjects, my "Master Plan" is complete and total...



This is my faithful assistant Igor.

For you see Future Subjects, I am a Mad Scientist. As such is often the case with people of my ilk, I am constantly hatching plots and schemes utilizing the dark arts of science and technology in order to attempt to subjugate humanity and then rule the planet with a titanium-alloy, uranium-isotope powered cyborg fist.

With the help of my fervently faithful assistant Igor, I will harness the fundamental energies of the Cosmos itself, wield spectacular gadgets comprised of the most bleeding-edge technology, construct legions of robotic automatons to rule the land, sea, and air...

I will do whatever it takes to achieve my sinister and boundless desire for GLOBAL DOMINATION!!!



So let me take a moment and introduce you to a few of the other members of my esteemed Lab Crew...

Let us meet the Lab's favorite Test-subject... Renfield!

Renfield the Test-subject!
As we detest intruders here at The Lab, in order to maintain our iron-clad security we have the incredibly obedient and ruthlessly viscous guard mutant... LIZ!!!

Liz the Mutant!

Liz actually came with The Lab when we moved in.  We surmise that she is the product of the previous occupant's tragic experiments. From mine and Igor's best guess, (and results stemming from the findings of a blind taste test conducted upon Renfield) we have concluded that Liz must be the result of an unholy union between the crossing of genes harvested from the marrow of a 71 million year old, exquisitely preserved Velociraptor femur... and a banana.

Genetic Engineering formula of a mutant Velocibana

Well, enough chit chat. We have a "Master Plan" to get rolling here and you need to prepare for your pending subjugation. 

So I bid you farewell for now, but stay tuned for fun, exciting, and amazing experiments, reviews and construction of fascinating technology, and science projects galore!!!

Don't forget to bookmark our blog and feel free to share it with your friends (if you don't I will feed your stinking corpse to our ferocious mutant Velocibana)!

Also, comment below if you want to gain my favor before the global dominating gets into full swing.

Oh, and...



  1. Does the velocibanana have any special powers beyond the oozing?

    1. An excellent question! Liz possess all of the standard Velocibanana powers such as rending flesh from the bones and exoskeletons of intruders, and shedding her banana skin only to then consume it, etc. However, her most prized and impressive ability is being able to lick her own eyeball. A feat that Renfield has been attempting to duplicate, but alas has thus far been unable to. Thanks for asking!
